3 NZ Secret Santa Gift Ideas

I’m a massive fan of NZ Secret Santa and absolutely love what the elves at NZ Post do for us. Maybe you’ve got a giftee that doesn’t tweet much or a giftee that tweets often just not about themselves. Or maybe, you’re just having trouble thinking of a gift idea. So, I thought I would share some gift ideas that I find very useful.


1:Give your giftee something meaningful to them. This could require some next level sleuthing or maybe not much sleuthing at all! For example, my giftee had a one sentence bio but what she put in her bio was so good that it provided me with one meaningful idea and the ideas just developed from there!

2. Give them a donation: If they haven’t tweeted much about themselves then maybe they don’t know what they want or have anything specific they need. So, go through their Twitter page and find a cause they are passionate about and donate to that charity. Or if you can’t find one, donate to your favourite charity.

3. If all else fails, go generic. Everyone likes chocolate so if they haven’t tweeted much send them some chocolate, maybe you could send them your favourite chocolate so they can possibly try something new (providing they don’t have any allergies) and if they are disappointed it might encourage them to interact more next year.


I hope this helps (:

Aimee Duff (aimee_tweets_)

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